Why Our House Glows Red at Night: The Simple Switch That’s Helping Us Sleep Better

Why Our House Glows Red at Night: The Simple Switch That’s Helping Us Sleep Better

Sarah Beth Yoga

Every night after the sun goes down, our house takes on a soft red glow. It’s not for Halloween, it’s not a fancy party trick, and no, our house isn’t on fire. It’s just something we started doing to help our family sleep better, and it’s working.

It all started in our bedroom. We swapped out our regular light bulbs for red-tinted ones, hoping it would help us wind down at night. Turns out, it did a lot more than that. 

We noticed we were falling asleep faster and waking up feeling more refreshed. So, naturally, we asked, "Why not do this for the whole house?" And that’s exactly what we did.

Now, every light in our home shifts to a calming red hue after sunset. Even our kids’ rooms follow the same pattern. Our neighbors might think we’re running a top-secret mission, but inside, we’re all sleeping better than ever.

Why We Switched to Red Lights Before we made the switch, evenings felt a little too "awake" for our liking. Bright, cool-toned lights seemed to keep us in "go mode" when we were supposed to be winding down. No matter how many times we told ourselves to "relax," it felt like our minds and bodies weren’t getting the message.

Once we swapped out the regular bulbs for red-tinted ones, it was like flipping a switch; literally and mentally. The moment the lights turned red, everything felt calmer. We started to feel naturally sleepy. It’s the kind of calm that makes you want to put your phone down, breathe deeply, and just be. No tossing. No turning. Just... sleep.

How It’s Helped Our Sleep (and Our Sanity) When we first tried it in our bedroom, it didn’t take long to notice a change. Our nights felt shorter in the best way. We’d fall asleep faster and sleep more deeply. It felt like our minds were finally catching up to our bodies, letting us rest fully.

But the real "aha!" moment came when we noticed it wasn’t just us who were sleeping better. Our kids started settling down faster too. No more endless bedtime battles or "just one more story" negotiations. Once the red lights turned on in their rooms, their little bodies seemed to get the message: It’s time for bed.

Now, we’re all waking up feeling more refreshed. Mornings are smoother, and the whole house has a little more patience (which, let’s be honest, is priceless). We’re not "dragging" through the day anymore. We’re rested. And that’s a big deal.


How We Made the Switch (Without Going Overboard) If you’re thinking about trying this, the good news is that it’s easier than you think. You don’t need to do a full-house overhaul all at once. Here’s how we did it:

  1. Start Small (We Started With the Bedroom): We began with our bedside lamps. We swapped out the bulbs for red-tinted "smart bulbs" that shift color automatically. This was the first big win, and it’s where I’d recommend starting.
  2. Slowly Expand to Other Rooms: Next, we added red bulbs to our kids’ bedrooms. If you’ve ever fought the bedtime battle with little ones, you know how valuable it is to have them naturally calm down. We’re now at the point where the kitchen, living room, and hallways all shift to red after sunset.
  3. Use Smart Bulbs for Automation: The magic of smart bulbs is that you don’t have to do a thing. We set ours to change color automatically at sunset, so we’re never "forgetting" to flip the switch.

Now, instead of glaring white lights, the whole house has this warm, cozy glow. It’s a subtle shift, but it’s made a big difference.

The Kids Are Sleeping Better Too This might be the most unexpected win of all. Kids aren’t always the easiest to "convince" when it’s bedtime. But since we’ve added red lights to their rooms, it’s like bedtime battles have dropped significantly.

Once those red lights come on, it’s as if their little bodies know it’s time to slow down. They’re falling asleep faster, staying asleep longer, and waking up in better moods. If you’ve ever dealt with an overtired toddler or a kid who’s "just not tired yet," you know how big of a win that is.

We’re spending less time "negotiating" and more time actually relaxing ourselves. Win-win.

How to Try It in Your Own Home If you’re curious about making the switch, here’s where to start:

  1. Start in the Bedroom: Replace your bedside lamp bulbs with red or "sunset" smart bulbs. They’re easy to find online, and many let you control the timing of the color shift.
  2. Try Smart Bulbs for Convenience: Smart bulbs make it easy to schedule the "color change" automatically, so you don’t have to think about it every night. Ours shift to red after sunset and go dimmer as bedtime approaches.
  3. Change the Kids’ Nightlights: Most nightlights are bright white or blue, which can keep kids more alert than sleepy. We switched our kids’ nightlights to a soft red, and it’s been a total game changer.
  4. Expand to Common Areas (Optional but Worth It): Once you’ve seen the benefits in your bedroom, you might want to try it in other rooms. We’re talking living rooms, hallways, and even bathrooms. The full house effect is next level calm.

Why We’re Keeping It At this point, we’re not going back. This shift has become part of our family’s daily rhythm. When the red lights come on, it’s like our whole house takes a collective exhale. There’s less screen time, more calm conversations, and an easier transition to bed.

It’s not just "better sleep," it’s a better evening. We’re all a little more relaxed, and that’s reason enough to keep it. It’s one of those small changes that has had a ripple effect on the entire day.

If you’ve been feeling a little too wired at night, or if bedtime has been an uphill battle with the kids, this might be the easiest shift you’ll ever make. Start with one room, see how it feels, and go from there. You just might be surprised at how much better your nights (and mornings) become.

💙 💙 💙
Sarah Beth

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